Are we entering a neurotechnology renaissance in healthcare?

BY CHARLOTTE HU For Alzheimer’s, chronic pain, and depression, brain stimulation may help where drugs fail. A seemingly old-school tech for treating neurological disorders is gearing up for a comeback. A class of neurotechnology known as neuromodulation is showing promising clinical results for patients with certain illnesses. Neuromodulation technology uses nervous system and brain stimulation […]
Personalized Noninvasive Neuromodulation Slows AD Progression

BY MEGAN BROOKSNew research supports the therapeutic potential of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). In a 52-week phase 2 trial, personalized rTMS applied over the precuneus, a core component of the default mode network (DMN), slowed the progression of cognitive and functional decline in patients with mild to moderate AD. As […]
Alzheimer’s researchers say brain stimulation device may slow symptoms

BY LINDA CARROLL AND MUSTAFA FATTAH In a small early trial using a transcranial magnetic stimulation procedure, scientists were able to target a key brain network that stores memories and is typically hard hit by the disease. READ THE FULL ARTICLE
Noninvasive brain stimulation slows Alzheimer’s disease in yearlong trial

BY DARREN INCORVAIA READ THE FULL ARTICLE As the world of neurodegenerative disease drug development continues to be roiled by controversies, one company has taken a different, noninvasive approach to treating Alzheimer’s disease. In a yearlong phase 2 study, Sinaptica Therapeutics’ personalized, precision transcranial magnetic brain stimulation slowed the progression of cognitive decline in patients […]
Small mid-stage trial suggests targeted magnetic pulses to brain could slow Alzheimer’s

BY JONATHAN WOSEN Patients receiving transcranial magnetic stimulation had slower disease progression READ THE FULL ARTICLE
StartUp Health – Sinaptica Therapeutics: Bridging Neuroscience Gaps to Slow the Progression of Alzheimer’s Disease
Sinaptica On Precision Neuromodulation To Combat Alzheimer’s: ‘No Drug Dares Go After Moderate Patients’

VIEW FULL ARTICLE HERE Sinaptica On Precision Neuromodulation To Combat Alzheimer’s: ‘No Drug Dares Go After Moderate Patients’ by Ryan Nelson CEO Ken Mariash and scientific co-founder Giacomo Koch discuss plans for a Phase 3 trial in 2025 supporting Sinaptica’s combination of transcranial magnetic stimulation, electroencephalography and machine learning to slow Alzheimer’s progression. Potential synergies […]
Sinaptica’s Breakthrough Device Could Slow Brain Atrophy In Alzheimer’s Patients – Study

Firm’s Is One Of Several FDA-Designated Breakthroughs Aiming To Outshine Drug Treatmentsby Ryan Nelson Executive Summary In a pilot study building on previously published Phase 2 trial results, Sinaptica’s precision therapy, combining repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation with EEG monitoring and artificial intelligence, showed macro- and micro-structural grey matter preservation and increased functional connectivity in Alzheimer’s […]
Alzheimer’s: Approaching a Cure

This Phase 2 trial showed 80 percent+ slowing of Alzheimer’s progression on gold standard cognitive and functional endpoints using non-invasive neuromodulation, leading to Sinaptica’s founding. I’ve never encountered placebo–controlled efficacy data as strong.KEN MARIASH | CEO, SINAPTICA Prevalence and Economic ImpactAlzheimer’s slow impairment of memory and cognitive functions continues to divide the wider scientific community, […]
Shaping the Future of Alzheimer’s Care: Interview with Sinaptica CEO Ken Mariash

Researchers have been looking for a cure for Alzheimer’s disease for decades, with little success. Traditionally, the arsenal we’ve been using is largely reliant upon drugs. But could a device, not a pharmaceutical, be the key to Alzheimer’s treatment? This is a possibility that Ken Mariash and his team are solving for at Sinaptica. Ken […]